2014年5月6日 星期二

Android Smart phone Unlock Bootloader, root and flash rom

I would like to write down my experience of unlock bootloader, root and flash the rom for my sony xperia U and my understanding in a matter of kernal, tools and so on.

Before this, I would like to list out all the useful links which help me to finish the tasks.

However, time is limited, I would like to finish it tomorrow morning within 1 hour. Thank you.


Xilinx Vivado VCS simulation Export

Get into TCL Console

1. cd to a test space first
2. compile_simlib -directory "somehwere"  {-family/library} {-language} -simulator vcs_mx
3. Generate Block design first
4. Export for Simulations
export_simulation -lib_map_path "lib" -directory "output" -simulator vcs_mx
-of_objects [get_ips / get_files]
5. Modify the simulation script generated. It should include the source files locations.