2013年1月31日 星期四

[Hspice, Cadence, IC615] Using Hapice as simulator in Cadence

Part A) Install Hspice

1. Install Hspice from synopsys http://www.synopsys.com/Support/LI/Installation/Pages/default.aspx

2. Install installer first for install hspice. It is something like IScape

3. Follow the instructure that they have

4. Complete installation of installer and Hspice

5. edit the cshrc.meta or place licence file

6. Now, you can use Hspice in Linux by command mode.

Part B) Include Hspice to IC615

1. Edit the script for including Hspice licence and path. You can refer the script that we have.

2. Using cadence as usual. Choose HspiceD as the simulator.

3. Enjoy and have fun!!!

