2012年11月17日 星期六

[Cadence] Virtuoso/ICFB 615 Simultaion and working with Assura

Previously we have transported the UMC 65nm Design Kit from ICFB 514 to ICFB 615 and performed simulations successfully. The writer continued to explore different usage of Virtuoso.

A. Simulation with ADE GXL other than using Traditional ADE L
Traditional ADE L environment provide basic simulation function and parametric sweeping analysis.
While consider a pile of simulations as a single job, ADE GXL provide job managing to archive parallel simulation and systematic performance simulation including Monte Carl and Yield Analysis.
In simple wordings, it can simulate 8 parametric settings at the same time instead of doing them 1 by 1 to provide 8 times performance improvement.

However, this process involves VNC and Cadence provided VNC may crash and keep pending the jobs.

Make sure you have your Xvnc and vncserver installed on your workstation.

1. Switch to the IC615 tools bin folder
$ cd $CDSHOME/tools/bin

2. Backup cdsXvnc and cdsXvncd
$ mv cdsXvnc cdsXvnc.bak
$ mv cdsXvncd cdsXvncd.bak

3. Make a symbolic link to Xvnc and vncserver
$ ln -s /usr/bin/Xvnc cdsXvnc
$ ln -s /usr/bin/vncserver cdsXvncd

Enjoy your ADE GXL with advanced simulation process


