2012年10月23日 星期二

[Xwin32] Using Xming to replace Xwin32

Xming is a freeware to replace Xwin32. However, there is a fonts problem. To solve it, please follow the flash video. The password is "CUHK"

Upload 唔到file, 需要就直接問我攞

[Cadence] 令Cadence認出以下files是librart

This is the solution by Marco. But I forgot already= =

It should be related to creat an empty file with a special file name to let Cadence understood that is Library.

I would modify it after asking Marco again


file name is ".tech"

[Linux] 在linux下用上RAR防止在Window出現中文亂碼

请到http://www.rarlab.com/download.htm下载RAR 4.xx for Linux,


解压缩,运行终端,进入解压缩的目录命令行运行:sudo make install

建立软链接:sudo ln -s /usr/local/bin/rar /usr/bin


rar a name.rar /location

install: http://forum.ubuntu.org.cn/viewtopic.php?t=388114&p=2852436
rar manual: http://blog.csdn.net/guoguo1980/article/details/2310258

2012年10月3日 星期三

[Cadence] ICFB 5 -> 615

As ICFB 5 and ICFB 6 use different Library Format (From CDBA to OA), you may use the command cdb2oa to translate the Library.


1. Copy the old library into a temp directory in new library with it's cds.lib
Make sure you maintain a good path in cds.lib

/newCDS/cds.lib -> Don't Touch! The tool will handle it.

/oldCDS/myIC/ -> /newCDS/tmp/myIC/
/oldCDS/cds.lib -> /newCDS/tmp/cds.lib

2. Run the command in the director of new lib
/newCDS/ > cdb2oa -lib myIC -cdslibpath tmp/

or you can run this directly in the new library (but I tend to make a copy and make it save.)

/newCDS/ > cdb2oa -lib myIC -cdslibpath /oldCDS/

Successful Analog Simulation Run of UMC 65nm Process with ICFB514 Kit in ICFB615